Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Be sure that the Truth will find you out...

Is it just me or are both AskJeeves (aka Bloglines) and Technorati claiming to have provided the data for A recent Dateline show about blogging?

Technorati and Dateline NBC
Hot Topics on the Blogosphere

Thanks to Niall Kennedy I now know that NBC enlisted the help of Technorati and Blogpulse to get data for their show, howevever dateline made the final decision on what to do with the data.
Here is a quote from the dateline blog:
"So for this segment, we read through some of the postings online and enlisted the help of two companies that monitor Internet buzz (Technorati and Blogpulse) to find the most blogged-about topics on the ‘Net this week." - Inside Dateline: A jog through blogs
In this Dateline Blog Post Ask Jeeves is not listed as providing any information, which might be an error.


Anonymous said...

Hi James,
Technorati and Inelliseek's Blogpulse were the two companies cited by the Dateline NBC editorial staff as their sources for this week's piece. We provided the data and Dateline made the ultimate decision about what to include from what sources.

Niall Kennedy
Community Manager

James said...

Hi Niall,

I should have read that NBC page more thoroughly!

Many thanks for commenting...
