I am sure you have all heard of Project Gutenberg, which is taking all the books it can find in the public domain, and converting them into digital format. So that they can be searched, and easily read by anyone. What you may not know is that you can be involved. If you visit http://www.pgdp.net/c/default.php you can sign up to be a proof reader. How it works is they give you a scaned image of a page, and the text it tried to take from the page. You just look for errors, add in missing formating etc. Their Documentation tells you all you need to know and a whole lot more....
If you are interested in books, or engish or just bored, why not sign up and have a go.
I also should tell you that Tiny Tiger Studios have released their first game called "track trouble", download the demo at http://tinytigerstudios.com/
well I guess thats about it for now
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